Tag Archives: illness

Fatty Liver Disease


Just found out I have again for the second time Fatty Liver Disease not sure how it happened again?

The first time I got it I made drastic diet changes and stuck with them , I eat home cooked whole foods that are organic low fat and low salt not sure why its saying I have fatty liver disease

Feeling frustrated its like they can’t figure out all my health problems ugh

Don’t Know……


I haven’t really been a good blogger lately ,

Not been able to write not sure as to why just chalking it up to life and what not I have been dealing with health issues and doctors appointments some days I wonder if the doctors make it so hard to figure out what is wrong I mean I have been to the doctors fourĀ times the labfour time went in for a ultrasound of my stomach and they still don’t know why it is cramping up whenever I eat anything it’s just so frustrating , my headaches have also been flaring up and the spinning dizziness has been hard I had a phone consult with my headache doctor and he ordered specialized test won’t be able to do that test till next month

been sick


I got the flu bug or whatever you want to call it , at first I though I had a simple common cold was sick for a week then 5 days ago the bug hit and it left me in bed dizzy and nauseated with sweats chills and raging fever I don’t remember the last timeĀ  I was this sick yes its that bad , it has even messed up aunt flo she’s still here and its day 9 ugh being sick just sucks