been sick


I got the flu bug or whatever you want to call it , at first I though I had a simple common cold was sick for a week then 5 days ago the bug hit and it left me in bed dizzy and nauseated with sweats chills and raging fever I don’t remember the last time  I was this sick yes its that bad , it has even messed up aunt flo she’s still here and its day 9 ugh being sick just sucks

About misfitmuslimah

I suffer from bipolar disorder,PTSDD and Anxiety,as well as a few other disorders with long names I can't pronounce correctly or seem to spell either. I cry more than most everyone I know, not sure if this is a good thing or not. I have suffered many losses in my life, some I might one day be able to talk about others I have buried and try to forget

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